Tuesday, March 29, 2011

22/52 - Stitched


I got a macro lens over the weekend and decided to use it for this weeks photograph. I hadn't used a macro lens before and it took me a while to get this shot. The part of macro photography that I have taken a while get the hang of is the shallow DOF and figuring out what aperture to use (It's not easy to see the DOF on the LCD at the back of the camera). This shot was taken at f/9. Hopefully practice will make it a bit easier.

Setup shot inside.

Setup - Stitched

This was a single light setup. I used a Canon 580 EX fired from camera right at 1/4th and zoomed to 50mm.

I used a white A4 paper from camera left to bounce the light and fill the other side of the thread.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Portuguese Man o' War

A Portuguese Man o' War
A Portuguese Man o' War

I went up to Turimetta beach to do some photography a few months ago and found a number of Blue Bottles, also known as the Portuguese Man o' War, washed up on shore. This is not unusual for a Sydney summer but I thought I'd take advantage of the light and the fact that the beach was deserted and decided to grab a few quick shots.

More Inside.

A Portuguese Man o' War
A Portuguese Man o' War

The Portuguese Man o' War is not a Jellyfish, it is a siphonophore. It's not actually a single creature, it is a colonial orgasm consisting of multiple small animals called zooids. Zooids are specialised and are attached to each other and are physiologically integrated to such an extent that they simply can't survive on their own. Large numbers of these animals get washed on to shore over the Australian summer and are responsible for a large number of human stings. The stings cause a lot of pain and leave red whip like marks on exposed skin. The sting can also trigger an allergic reaction but rarely cause deaths.

A Portugese Man o' War
A Portugese Man o' War

I only had the 24 - 105mm lens with me at the time as I had set out to shoot some landscape shots. I shot at f/4 to get as shallow a depth of field as possible. The morning light was good at the time and I was able to shoot at 1/400th. I have not warmed up these images in post production, these shots are virtually straight out of the camera.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

21/52 - A Bottle of Red

A Bottle of Red
A Bottle of Red 

Here's this week's entry for my Project 52. I decided to use a bottle of Shiraz and light it using a straightforward two light setup. I wanted the image to have an overall warm feel to it and I also wanted to bring out the texture of the label on the bottle.

Lighting info and setup shots after the jump.

Setup - A bottle of Red

I used the Canon 580 EX II as the base light for this shot. I fired it at 1/4th power through a CTO gel at the ceiling. The CTO gel was used to warm up the light a little. The strobe was zoomed at 24mm.

The Canon 480 EX II was used as the key light. I fired it, aimed at the bottle, at 1/64th and zoomed to 105mm to light the top edge of the bottle. It is this key light that brings out the texture of the label.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Observatory Hill - Sydney, Australia

Observatory Hill - Sydney, Australia
Observatory Hill - Sydney, Australia

I've been going to Observatory Hill over the last few weekends to try and photograph the Sydney Harbour bridge. I was after a couple of specific shots ( a couple of panoramas) and most of them required warm light. However one of them, the second in this post, had to be taken after sunset on a cloudy day. As a result of all of this, I had to go back to Observatory Hill on three separate weekends.

The results, after the jump.

The Harbour Bridge - Sydney, Australia
The Harbour Bridge - Sydney, Australia

I had to slow down the shutter speed considerably to get the light trails of a car driving down towards the bridge. I ended up using an aperture of f/22 and a shutter speed of 15 seconds to get a decent light trail. If I was to take this photograph again, I would probably compose the shot in a way that cuts out the tree in the bottom left hand corner of the frame. To me it just looks like a black spot and takes away from the image.

Observatory Hill - Sydney, Australia
Observatory Hill - Sydney, Australia

I wanted to use one of the trees at the top of the hill to  compose a panorama. The light was coming in from the left hand side of the image and I though it would help define the tree and add another layer of interest to the image while balancing it out. This is probably my favourite image from this shoot.

Observatory Hill - Sydney, Australia

The tree in this shot is the same as the tree in the shot above. I wanted to capture an image of the bench facing the bridge and the branches of the tree worked well to frame the shot. Both panoramas were created by stitching 8 - 9 separate images.

I'd like to find out what you guys think of these images. If you do have a minute, please let me know via the comments. I'm particularly interested in finding out what sort of improvements you would have made if you were capturing similar photographs.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

20/52 - Wall-e Meets Bokeh

Wall-e Meets Bokeh
Wall-e Meets Bokeh 

I decided to use Wall-e for this weeks shot too. I wanted to do something with Bokeh as I hadn't created any Bokeh for my more recent shots. This was a two light setup which took a bit of time to perfect. I suppose the fact that I didn't know exactly what I was after when I started, didn't help. I took a few different shots, each with their own lighting setup before settling for this one.

Lighting setup shots inside.

Lighting Setup - Wall-e Meets Bokeh
Lighting Setup - Wall-e Meets Bokeh

This shot was lit with two strobes.

I used a Christmas wreath to create the Bokeh in the background. A Canon 430 EX II was fired at the wreath at 1/64th through a CTB gel to create the Blue Bokeh. I used the same wreath in this shot as well as this one.

Wall-e was lit using a snooted Canon 580 EX II fired at 1/64th through a CTO gel. I used a piece of white A4 paper just out of frame on the right of the camera to bounce the light back onto the opposite side of Wall-e. The effect of the piece of paper is subtle. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy

The Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy
The Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy 

The Trevi fountain is probably the most famous fountain in the world. It was built at the termination point of an ancient aqueduct named Aqua Virgo and is named after the fact that it was built at the junction of three roads (tre vie). Legend has it that Roman technicians located a source for fresh water, about 13 km away from the city with the the help of a virgin. This scene is depicted on the facade of the fountain.

More photographs inside.

Detail of the Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy
Detail of the Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy

The fountain was one of the first places we visited and, as expected, there was a huge crowd seated on the steps around the fountain and taking it all in. Getting a decent photograph of the entire fountain was virtually impossible as there were people constantly walking into the frame. As a result, I resorted to taking a number of "detail" shots of smaller sections of the fountain.

Detail of the Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy
Detail of the Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy

We got to the fountain at about four in the evening and the light was pretty good for photography. It was warm, directional light which gave a lot of depth to the photographs. I think we spent around an hour at the fountain photographing small sections of it. A photograph of the entire fountain was on my shot list but there was no way that I was going to capture it that day.

Detail of the Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy
Detail of the Trevi Fountain - Rome, Italy

To get the shot of the entire fountain (first photograph on this post) I decided to make an early start. I got to the fountain at around 5.30 in the morning and found the place empty. I spent about 40 minutes alone at the fountain, photographing it from a whole range of angles before other photographers started to arrive.

Monday, March 7, 2011

19/52 - Wall-e on a Wire

Wall-e on a Wire
Wall-e on a Wire 

One of my friends at work had this small figure of Wall-e on his desk. I borrowed it for a few days and will use it for a couple of shots on this project. I had seen a similar photograph to this online and decided to recreate it. The lighting for this was quite straightforward and required only a single flash.

Setup shots inside.

Setup - Wall-e on a Wire
Setup - Wall-e on a Wire

This was a one light setup using the Canon 580 EX II. The strobe was fired at  1/128th and zoomed to 105mm. It was shot into a reflective umbrella which Wall-e is perched on. I changed the colour temperature on the raw file to cool down the light a bit. I could have done this with a 1/4 CTB gel but didn't think of it while I was shooting.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Opera House and Harbour Bridge - Sydney, Australia

The Opera House and Harbour Bridge - Sydney, Australia
The Opera House and Harbour Bridge - Sydney, Australia

The weather hasn't been the best over the Australian summer and today was no exception. We woke up to another gloomy, wet day with showers forecast. From a photographic point of view, I had been waiting for one of these days to take some close ups of the Opera House with moody gray clouds in the background. I hopped on a train at around 2.00PM for the ten minute trip into the CBD and wandered down to Circular Quay.

More photographs from today's shoot, inside.

The Sails of the Opera house - Sydney, Australia

I got down to the Overseas Passenger Terminal to find a massive cruise liner docked at the terminal and blocking the view of the Opera House completely. I was a bit annoyed with my luck but decided to make the most of the day and walk around to Mrs Macquarie's Chair for some shots of the other side of the Opera House. I hadn't planned on shooting from here and I only had my 24-105mm lens with me. As a result I had to shoot and crop the images slightly to get the shots I wanted. I'll head down there with the 100-400mm at some point and re-shoot these images.

The Opera House - Sydney, Australia

On my way back to the station I heard the horn(?) of the ship and thought I'd go back to Circular Quay and check if it was moving. I arrived at the Overseas Passenger Terminal to find the ship heading off and the Opera House appearing from behind it. I spent another 20 minutes taking more shots of the Opera House before heading off.

The Sails of the Opera House - Sydney, Australia

All images on this post were captured with a Canon 7D and the 24-105mm combo.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

18/52 - A Good Read

A Good Read
A Good Read

This was a bit of a rushed shoot as I didn't get around to taking this weeks photograph over the weekend. I decided to take a photograph of a book and I wanted the final image to have a warm feel to it. Again it was a straightforward two light setup but it took a while to figure out the best position for the second light. I settled on the final image because it showed the texture of the page itself (has to be viewed large) and created subtle shadows.

Read on for lighting info and setup shots.

Lighting setup - A Good Read
Lighting setup - A Good Read

The main light for this image was a Canon 580 EX II fired into a reflective umbrella from camera right. To warm up the light I used a CTO gel. The flash was fired at 1/16th.

The key light was a Canon 430 EX II fired from camera left at 1/64th. I positioned this light so that only small sections of the page and the glasses were lit. This light also created a shadow of the pair of spectacles on the page  to add a bit more interest. A CTB gel was used to cool the key light.