Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

photographs from the temple at Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Thanthirimale is a small village which lies in thick jungle approximately 40 km away from Anuradhapura. The temple in Thanthirimale is both religiously and historically significant and still attracts thousands of pilgrims during Poson. The history of Thanthirimale is said to date back to the 6th Century BC.

More photographs inside.
photographs from the temple at Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
 Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

References to Thanthirimale can be found in the Mahavamsa in the sections that describe the Bo (Ficus religiosa) sapling being brought to Sri Lanka during the reign of King Devanampiyatissa. The Bo tree in the temple is said to be a sapling from the sacred Bo tree in Mahamewuna Uyana.

photographs from the temple at Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

There are five ancient Buddha statues, four of which are incomplete (6th image on the post), on the temple premises. The largest of these is the sleeping Buddha (photograph above) which has been carved out of the rock. Surprisingly, the proportions of the statue seemed to be incorrect as the legs look short when compared with the size of the upper body. This is the first time that I'd actually seen an ancient statue that was out of proportion.

photographs from the temple at Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

The remains of an ancient library have been found on the premises. A number of rock huts and caves, which have most probably been used for meditation by monks for centuries, have also been discovered on the site.

photographs from the temple at Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

In 1909 archeological evidence was found in a cave close to the temple which suggests that a prehistoric civilization existed in this area. The evidence included fragments of cherts, a piece of crystal and drawings, which are still visible, on the walls of a cave.

photographs from the temple at Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

To top off the day we witnessed a stunning sunset on the drive back.

All photographs on this post were taken with the Canon 7D and the 24-105mm lens.

photographs from the temple at Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Thanthirimale - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Brown Falcon - Sandy Hollow, Australia

A photograph of a Brown Falcon taken in Sandy hollow, Australia
Brown Falcon (Falco berigora) - Sandy Hollow

We were up at a friends farm in the Hunter region of New South Wales on our annual visit over the October long weekend when I came across a pair of Brown Falcons. The area is full of raptors as there is an abundance of prey on the farms. On our previous trips I had photographed Black Shouldered Kites, Kestrels and Wedge Tailed Eagles but had not seen any falcons.

More Photographs Inside.

A photograph of a Brown Falcon taken in Sandy hollow, Australia
 Brown Falcon (Falco berigora) - Sandy Hollow

The raptors were perched on some machinery in a field by the side of the road when I passed them. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera with me so had to make a mad dash to the house and back. I was able to pull up and fire off a few frames before one of them decided to fly off. The first shot o this post was taken as soon as the bird took off.

A photograph of a Brown Falcon taken in Sandy hollow, Australia
Brown Falcon (Falco berigora) - Sandy Hollow

I initially thought the bird was an Eagle due to its size. It seemed substantially bigger than the Kestrel but this maybe due to proximity. I would have liked to get a few flight shots but it was nearly impossible for me to lock focus on them and the light wasn't great because it was close to midday. 

A photograph of a Brown Falcon taken in Sandy hollow, Australia
Brown Falcon (Falco berigora) - Sandy Hollow

The Brown Falcon is said to be one of the more common raptors found on mainland Australia. Apparently it is often seen on perches close to open roads which offer clear views of the surrounding area. Something to keep an eye out for in future.

These photographs were taken with a Canon 7D and the 100-400mm lens.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Purple Coot - Thalangama, Sri Lanka

A photograph of a Purple Coot taken in Thalangama, Sri Lanka
Purple Coot - Thalangama, Sri Lanka

The Purple Coot, also know as the Purple Swamphen, is a common bird found in the lowland marshes of Sri Lanka. The subspecies found in Sri Lanka, Porphyrio porphyrio poliocephalus, is one of up to 13 subspecies identified through Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. The thirteen subspecies mainly differ in the colour of their plumage.

More photographs after the jump.
A photograph of a Purple Coot taken in Thalangama, Sri Lanka
Purple Coot - Thalangama, Sri Lanka

Purple Coots are easy to identify because of their bright plumage and loud call. It is said to be able to fly long distances and for a bird without webbed feet, it is a good swimmer. They are seasonal breeders but the seasons vary across their range. The season correlates to the peak rainfall or summer temperatures in more temperate climates.

A photograph of a Purple Coot taken in Thalangama, Sri Lanka
Purple Coot - Thalangama, Sri Lanka

Multiple females may lay eggs in the same nest, which is built amongst reeds or other debris, and share incubation duties. Incubation lasts from 23-27 days and is performed by both males and females. "Helpers" are also known to assist with the incubation. After hatching, chicks are fed for a period of 10-15 days, after which they fend for themselves.

A photograph of a Purple Coot taken in Thalangama, Sri Lanka
Purple Coot - Thalangama, Sri Lanka 

Although the species is considered to be in the "least concern" category according to the IUCN, some subspecies have declined. This includes the subspecies found in the Mediterranean. An introduced population exists in Florida but biologists are trying to eradicate them.

A photograph of a Purple Coot taken in Thalangama, Sri Lanka
Purple Coot - Thalangama, Sri Lanka

These photographs were taken with the Canon 7D and the 100-400mm lens combo during several early morning visits to Thalangama.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

52/52 - Talk to the hand

Talk to the hand
Talk to the hand

Here's the last entry for the project. I can't believe its been a year but I'm glad that I was able to actually complete it! I used a standard two light setup to light this one. I wanted this shot to have a bit of a cold feel to it so opted to use blue gels on the main light.

Lighting setup after the jump.
Lighting setup - Talk to the hand
Lighting diagram - Talk to the hand

The main light was a Canon 580 EX II fired at 1/32 and zoomed to 105mm, through a full CTB gel. This coloured the highlights on the fingers as well as the hand.

A Canon 430 EX II was fired at 1/64th from camera right (zoomed to 105mm) through a CTO gel. I used a CTO gel to correct the tungsten colour balance on the camera.

I'm thinking of starting another project 52 focusing on Macro photography but not straight away. possibly in the new year.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas Celebration Wallpapers

Watch the real scene of Christmas celebrations in different parts of World. Few pictures are original and few have been designed after going through real picture. You can also enjoy download facility of these Christmas Celebration Wallpapers by clicking over them and saving for forwarding to others.

Christmas Pictures For Desktop

Select your choice of Christmas Pictures For Desktop showcasing scenes of a cute puppy, snowy white scene, snow covered Christmas tree, glowing tree lights, colorful ornament balls and much more.

Christmas Holly Desktop Wallpapers

Preview these pictures of Christmas Holly Desktop Wallpapers to explore nature's beauty during December month of Christmas holidays. Decorate your homes, church, offices, interiors and your computer screens with these beautiful backgrounds.

Cute Reindeer Desktop Wallpapers

Download your free copy of Cute Reindeer Desktop Wallpapers to let this cute Rudolph help Santa distribute gifts to little kids and people. The cute picture of reindeer reminds us of the trend how Santa Claus with him ride all over.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Leopards at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka

Leopard at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka
Leopard at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka

Wel Mal Kema is a rocky area within block 1 of the Yala national park. There are a couple of water holes amongst the rocks and apart from the rock itself, there aren't any open areas. The road actually runs up the rock and relatively close to one of the water holes. The area is known for Leopard and Bear.  It's not the easiest road to drive along.

More photographs inside.

Leopard at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka
Leopard at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka

On our first drive through Wel Mal Kema we found fresh Leopard tracks along one side of the road. We knew the Leopard was close by but visibility wasn't the best due to the thick jungle on either side of the road. Our best chance of seeing the Leopard was if it was on the road.  Fortunately for us it was. We saw it from about 25 meters away as it peered around a rock to watch us. The engine was promptly tuned off and we waited hoping to get a better view.

Leopard at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka
Leopard at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka

After a few minutes the Leopard crossed the road and climbed up on the rocks to our right. Unfortunately for us another jeep pulled up at that moment and the inexperienced driver (there are a lot of them around Yala) didn't turn off his engine and the Leopard got spooked and left.

Leopard at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka
Leopard at Wel Mal Kema - Yala, Sri Lanka

On another one of our trips we had a brief sighting of a Leopard as it walked away from the road. I did manager to get a couple of photographs of the Leopard as it walked away and scent marked a tree.

All the images on this post were taken with the Canon 7D and the 100-400mm lens.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

51/52 - Estée Lauder

Estée Lauder

For this weeks entry I decided to go for a high key (sort of) product shot. I picked up this bottle of Estée Lauder lotion as lighting the reflective lid would be a challenge. I used two lights for this shot but if I did have a third I would have used it to light the background and bring up the white a bit more.

Lighting setup inside.

Lighting setup - Estée Lauder

This was a two light setup but the two flashes were aimed away from the subject. Two foam-core boards were used to bounce the light back onto the subject. Instead of lighting the lid directly, I lit the reflection.

A Canon 580 EX II was fired at 1/32 from camera left at a white foam-core board also placed on the left of camera.

A Canon 430 EX II was fired from camera right at 1/32 onto a white foam-core board placed on the right hand side of the image. 

A piece of glass was used under the subject to create a reflection. A piece of white paper was used to create the background.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ruwanweliseya - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Ruwanweliseya - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

During our trip to Anuradhapura in July I decided to head out early morning to photograph some of the main stupas in the area. I first visited Thuparamaya and then walked around the complex in the general direction of Ruwanweliseya. At 6.00 AM you pretty much have the whole area to yourself as it is way too early in the morning for tourists and pilgrims. The light being at it's best is an added bonus.

More photographs inside.
Ruwanweliseya from the Thuparamaya complex - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

After spending sometime wandering around the Thuparamaya complex I drove along the the bund of the Basawakkulama tank (Sri Lankans use the word tank to refer to man made lakes which are found throughout the dry zone of the island) taking in the views. I was able to use the trees along the bund in an number of different compositions.

Ruwanweliseya across Basawakkulama - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

The area surrounding the Abhayagiriya complex was my last stop for the morning. Ruwanweliseya is a massive stupa and it towers above the trees and other buildings in the area. It is clearly visible form a number of locations around Anuradhapura. I caught a glimpse of it across some paddy fields close to Abhayagiriya and hopped out to take a few photographs. I was fortunate to be there as some farmers started their days work and included them in the foreground of the image. I personally think they add another layer of foreground interest to this photograph.

Ruwanweliseya - Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

All photographs on this post were taken with a Canon 7D and the 24-105mm lens. I think I should have used a graduated ND filter but unfortunately it didn't cross my mind at the time.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

50/52 - The Pianist's Hands

A Photograph of a Pianist's hands
The Pianist's Hands

This is the 50th entry for my project. I've got two weeks to go and I'm looking forward to doing something different. Possibly another project 52 focusing on macro photography. 

I used a basic two light setup for this shot. One for the base exposure and a second strobe was used as a key light.

Lighting setup shots inside.

Lighting setup for the the shot above
 Lighting setup - The Pianist's Hands

A Canon 580 EX II was used as the main light for the photograph above. It  was fired at 1/8th into  a reflective umbrella which was positioned above the piano. I also used a CTO gel on the flash to warm up the light a bit.

The key light was a Canon 430 EX II fired at 1/32 through a homemade snoot, directly at the pianist's hands. This flash was also fired through a 1/2 CTB gel to cool down the colour of the highlight.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tickell's Blue Flycatcher - Kandy, Sri Lanka

A photograph of a Tickell's Blue Flycatcher taken in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Tickell's Blue Flycatcher - Kandy, Sri Lanka

One of the best sightings that I have had of the Tickell's Blue Flycatcher was in Kandy in July. The bird made several appearances and spent quite a bit of time around the house, allowing me to photograph it. I would have liked to get a lot closer to it but unfortunately this was not possible.

More photographs inside.
A photograph of a Tickell's Blue Flycatcher taken in Kandy, Sri Lanka
 Tickell's Blue Flycatcher - Kandy, Sri Lanka

The Tickell's Blue Flycatcher is a relatively common resident and is often seen from the wet lowlands to the mid hills of Sri Lanka. It may also be found in suitable forests in the dry zone. The female is duller in colour and has a lighter throat and breast. Based on this, I believe the bird pictured in this post is a male.

A photograph of a Tickell's Blue Flycatcher taken in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Tickell's Blue Flycatcher - Kandy, Sri Lanka

This species breeds in tropical south Asia and its range extends east from India and Sri Lanka to Indonesia. It shows regional variations in plumage and size with several of these variations being designated as subspecies. The Sri Lankan population is a separate subspecies named jerdoni.   

A photograph of a Tickell's Blue Flycatcher taken in Kandy, Sri Lanka
Tickell's Blue Flycatcher - Kandy, Sri Lanka

All photographs on this post were taken with the Canon 7D and the 100-400mm combo.